Waar is Tientsin (China) ?
Lokaal nieuws
09/08/22 > Four Chinese Bank Notes Each Realize Over $100,000 : Four First Series Renminbi bank notes each realized prices over $100,000. They were among dozens of Chinese bank notes in a pair of Spink auctions held on June ...
09/08/22 > De historische provocatie van Nancy Pelosi : Pelosi noemt het ‘een etappe in de strijd voor democratie’. In werkelijkheid is haar bezoek een stap naar de afscheuring van Taiwan.
07/08/22 > Ed Young : Contemporary culture has a grossly distorted view of what it means to be a person, emphasizing vanity over value, ...
04/08/22 > De gevaarlijke provocatie van Nancy Pelosi : Pelosi omschrijft haar tumultueus bezoek aan Taiwan als “een etappe in de strijd voor democratie”. In werkelijkheid is het een stap naar de afscheuring van Taiwan. Tekst en uitleg door Chinakenner Pet ...
12/04/22 > Ruins of the Sisters' Chapel, Tientsin : Ruins of the Chapel of the Sisters of Mercy, Tientsin, Pechili province, China. Scene of the Tientsin Massacre of 10 French nuns during 1870 This item is openly available as part of an Open Artstor ...
05/08/21 > Tientsin Bungalow : The colonial-inspired Tientsin Bungalow is an opulent villa designed for large groups, for whom unforgettable adventures are in store. Whether basking by the pool, on the terrace or in the English ...
17/04/21 > The aftermath of a flood, Tientsin, Pechili province : Tientsin, Pechili province, China. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.; Bears Thomson's negative number: "526" This item is openly available as part of an Open Artstor collection.
22/12/20 > Tientsin incident : {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.
16/08/20 > Treaty of Tientsin : {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.
24/07/15 > Tientsin Street Scenes 1 (1929) : This fascinating amateur film is one of only two film records of Tianjin (then Tientsin) in this collection. It offers a series of intriguing snapshots of life in northern China's largest coastal city ...