What time is it in Fukushima (Japan) ?
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Location Fukushima
Local news
12/08/22 > Strike On Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Could Result In Another Fukushima, Expert Says
: Boris Zhuikov said a simulation of a nuclear disaster at the plant revealed it would cause immense suffering to the people in the surrounding territories.
11/08/22 > FOCUS: Respite for Japan as radioactive water accumulation slows in Fukushima
: Tanks containing treated water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant are likely to reach capacity around the fall of 2023, later than the initially predicted spring of next year, as the pace ...
11/08/22 > China warns that an accident in Zaporiyia «could be more serious than the Fukushima nuclear accident.»
: China’s representative to the UN, Zhang Jun, warned Thursday before the Security Council that an accident at the Zaporiyia nuclear power plant could be more serious than the nuclear accident ...
08/08/22 > Fukushima plan triggers fresh anger
: Japan's plan to dump radioactive wastewater from the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant will endanger the lives of people in the Asia-Pacific region, say experts who want to see stepped-up ...
08/08/22 > Fukushima firm develops drones for inspection of wind turbines
: With drones increasingly being used in Fukushima Prefecture for various purposes including agriculture and disaster prevention, a local firm has developed a system to utilize them to inspect wind ...
03/08/22 > Construction begins at Fukushima plant for water release
: TOKYO (AP) — The construction of facilities needed for a planned release of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea next year from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant began Thursday ...
03/08/22 > Construction begins at Fukushima plant for water release
: The construction of facilities needed for a planned release of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea next year from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant has begun despite opposition from th ...
03/08/22 > Suspended sediment reduced by rapid revegetation after Fukushima decontamination
: Researchers have found that soil decontamination efforts following the Fukushima nuclear accident resulted in constant, high levels of suspended river sediment downstream, but a rapid decrease in ...
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Ortszeit Fukushima
Local time Fukushima
Lokale tijd Fukushima
τοπική ώρα Φουκουσίμα
точное время Фукусима
เวลาท้องถิ่น ฟุกุชิมะ
当地时间 福岛
現地時間 福島県
시간 후쿠시마