What time is it in Tientsin (China) ?
Local news
09/08/22 > Four Chinese Bank Notes Each Realize Over $100,000 : Four First Series Renminbi bank notes each realized prices over $100,000. They were among dozens of Chinese bank notes in a pair of Spink auctions held on June ...
07/08/22 > Ed Young : Contemporary culture has a grossly distorted view of what it means to be a person, emphasizing vanity over value, ...
04/08/22 > High tea in the hills : It's time to have a "rescue stop" for tea and toilet. Our destination is Tientsin, a bungalow in the Bogawantalawa Valley near Hatton, about 1400m above sea level. The self-contained house ...
03/08/22 > It happened today – this day in history – August 4 : Prince Edward beats Simon de Montfort the younger at the. 1306: Wenceslaus III of Bohemia is ...
14/07/22 > This Day in History - July 14 : 1900: International expedition, including United States and Japan, takes Tientsin, now Tianjin, in China. 1933: German political parties, other than Nazis, are suppressed, and a law is passed that ...
06/07/22 > The Chinese Mitten Crab : He directs attention to the statement of Prof. Lu-fong of Tientsin that the Chinese consider the crabs holy and hence the crabs caught are not eaten but burnt, and points out that this is at ...
04/07/22 > REVIVAL OF CEYLON TEA : Summerville, with an air of a country cottage, Castlereagh with an eclectic style of its own, the high colonial Tientsin; one of the first planter’s bungalows to be built in Ceylon and the more ...
10/06/21 > The Economic Development of Manchuria in the First Half of the Twentieth Century : Sun, was born in Peking in 1895, though his family home was Shou hsien in Anhwei Province. He was educated at Nankai Middle School in Tientsin and subsequently for brief periods during the era of the ...
30/05/21 > Consul in Japan, 1903-1941: Oswald White's Memoir 'All Ambition Spent' : Beginning life as a student interpreter, he went on to become an assistant in Korea, Vice-Consul in Yokohama and Osaka, Consul in Nagasaki and Dairen, then Consul-General in Seoul, Osaka, Mukden and ...
03/07/20 > Death Blow : Fary, a French banker in Tientsin, is victim of an hold-up. Wang Yue-Cheng robs a pagoda statue that is a priceless jewel, and part of China's national heritage. Fary informs the French ...