What time is it in Lhasa (China) ?
Local news
09/08/22 > Tibet's Lhasa launches city-wide COVID-19 testing : Lhasa has so far designated one area as high-risk for COVID-19 and 15 as medium-risk, said Yan Zhouzhong, deputy director of the Lhasa municipal health commission, at a press briefing Tuesday. The ...
09/08/22 > Coronavirus: Tibet’s Potala Palace shut as first Covid-19 cases since 2020 put Lhasa on high alert : Area lockdowns and mass testing under way in Tibetan capital Lhasa and other cities as authorities seek to swiftly curb virus spreads.
09/08/22 > Lhasa finds infections of Omicron variant : Eighteen people who tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, had the highly contagious transmissible Omicron variant, the city's health authorities said at a news ...
09/08/22 > China closes Lhasa’s famed Potala Palace amid minor COVID-19 outbreak in Tibet : Closure of the palace, a key tourist attraction in Tibet, underscores China’s continued adherence to its draconian 'zero-COVID' policy.
09/08/22 > Lhasa's rare COVID flare-up caused by imported Omicron subvariant BA.2.76 : The COVID-19 cases detected in Lhasa, capital of Southwest China's Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region was believed to be a family cluster infection caused by imported Omicron subvariant BA.2.76, said a ...
08/08/22 > SW China's Xizang reports 22 COVID cases, ending 920-day zero record : Eighteen cases were detected in Lhasa and nine of them took the same train from Xigaze to Lhasa on Thursday. The other four cases found earlier in Ngari Prefecture's Burang county through regular ...
08/08/22 > Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa: Virtuoso Preferred Partner : Songtsam Linka Retreat Lhasa has become a Virtuoso Preferred Partner, recently named one of the “Best Hotels & Resorts in the World." ...
08/08/22 > China's Tibet region faces rare COVID flareup, fresh curbs imposed : Its disclosure of asymptomatic infections, which China counts separately, was less clear. The regional capital city of Lhasa disclosed on Monday one symptomatic patient and seventeen asymptomatic ...
08/08/22 > Lhasa city detects individuals tested positive for COVID-19 : Lhasa city in the Chinese autonomous region of Tibet has detected 18 individuals who tested positive for the new coronavirus in preliminary screening on Aug. 7, local authorities said on Monday.
08/08/22 > Lhasa city detects 18 individuals tested positive for COVID-19 in preliminary screening : Lhasa city in the Chinese autonomous region of Tibet has detected 18 individuals who tested positive for the new coronavirus in preliminary screening on Aug. 7, local authorities said on Monday.