What time is it in Kowloon (China) ?
Local news
10/08/22 > Push reset: Life, death and Ryan Campbell : A cardiac arrest while on a family holiday in the UK last April, and a subsequent week in an induced coma has prompted in the father-of-two a shift in priorities. He details that new outlook, while th ...
10/08/22 > Arts in Hong Kong With Southeast Asian Artists : Hong Kong Tourism Board assembled artists from Southeast Asia to create art work that celebrates Hong Kong through "Arts in HK with S.E.A artists." ...
10/08/22 > Mirror concert accident: Hong Kong police interview dancer injured during rehearsals : Performer Zisac Law reportedly seen attending police interview at headquarters of police’s Kowloon West regional crime unit.
07/08/22 > Kowloon Development Co Ltd : There is no recent news for this security. There is no recent news for this security. Got a confidential news tip? We want to hear from you. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC ...
04/08/22 > Protest Hides in Plain Sight in Hong Kong : UK handed the city over to China, Hong Kong's suppressed and surveilled people keep freedom alive creatively and furtively.
02/08/22 > HSBC Shareholders Grill Executives at Chaotic Hong Kong Event : HSBC Holdings Plc’s first meeting in three years with its investor base in Hong Kong became chaotic as disgruntled shareholders were denied access to the overfilled event on the city’s Kowloon side.
01/08/22 > Kerry Properties’ Mont Verra Showcases Breathtaking Views of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island : There’s something to be said about views that take your breath away, such as those enjoyed within the private premises of Mont Verra.
25/07/22 > Hong Kong’s Urban Renewal Authority looks into feasibility of redeveloping 2 old areas in Kowloon City, cites planning challenges : Hong Kong’s Urban Renewal Authority (URA) is looking into the feasibility of redeveloping two very old areas in Kowloon City which are long overdue for regeneration, but admits various conditions have ...
23/07/22 > Distance Between Singapore and Kowloon : The map below shows the location of Kowloon and Singapore. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance ...
20/07/22 > Kowloon Walled City doesn't need the sci-fi trappings of Stray to fascinate : It was, however, the very real Kowloon Walled City; a 6.4 acre block of buildings once home to more than 30,000 people, demolished in the early ‘90s after the British and Chinese governments ...